
The English word for Kobben is an islet, a small low, rounded rock island in the archipelago, which generally has no or very little vegetation. The Kobben table range is inspired by the small islands of guests that form in a cozy restaurant.

Studio Norrlandet

Jari and Anna founded Skargaarden 2007 and has since then been developing the brand. Their interest in design and furniture was the reason they started Skargaarden and later on also why they decided to start Studio Norrlandet.

Designing a beautiful outdoor piece of furniture is a challenge as you have to take into account so much more than what is designed for indoors. The challenge is what drives them to design furniture beautiful enough to place indoors, durable enough for any harch weather challenge’s.

Jari has a background as a cabinet maker trained in fine carpentry. After finished carpentry education Jari found out that finishing last and being the most thorough in class probably wasn’t the most profitable profile for future employers. Now, many years later, it is an advantage in high end outdoor furniture design. Anna interest in acrylic painting and art makes their partnership exciting and above all fun.